The Red Goose Girlfriends

The Story of The Red Goose
By Lisa Hentrich, with permission from Shirley Pieratt

These ladies have known each other since childhood, and they were recently back together celebrating in a Waco, Texas reunion. They stopped into the Klassy Glass wine bistro to visit "an old friend"...a large, red goose who now serves as the bistro's mascot.

This bistro happens to have a past history as a shoe that holds a special memory for Shirley Pieratt.  As a young girl, Shirley used to visit Lewis Shoe Store every year to get a new pair of shoes, and to "pull the lever of The Red Goose to get a golden egg!”

It was a real treat hearing them share stories of their many years of friendship, as they laughingly snapped photos together with another old friend from days gone by, "The Red Goose Shoes" mascot.  When I asked if I could honor their story by sharing it with others on this page, their answer was a resounding, “YES!”

It’s the perfect example of #GAMGstories among friends who have a long history of sharing life, memories, and sisterhood. ❤

PIctured (LtoR):  Shirley Pieratt, Brenda Bird, Roxanne Burchfiel


Off on the Wrong Foot


Forever part of My Story