Off on the Wrong Foot
God and My Girlfriends #GAMGstory share submitted by: Megan DeJarnett
My best friend Ashleigh and I met when we were sophomores in high school. I didn’t realize until later in our friendship that Ashleigh DID NOT like me at first due to the fact that I ran her foot over with my wheelchair in high school and never said sorry (I’m guessing I didn’t even notice in the busy high school hallways)!
Ashleigh’s mother had been in prayer for her to find a “good” best friend since she was in those ‘trying and molding teenage’ years. A few months later we met at church and were forced to bunk together at a youth camp. This is where I found out she didn’t like me…but from that day on, we’ve been the bestest of friends! God had His hand in this friendship from the beginning.
We both ended up marrying our HardCore High School Sweet Hearts, serving in ministry together for over 13 years, having unique baby stories (Ashleigh adopted and my story is just unique in itself) and just doing life, side-by-side or miles apart. Ashleigh always encourages me to seek God, take on new challenges, and love others.
I love you, Ash! And… I’m so grateful you forgave me for running over your foot! 😉 Cheers to 15 years of friendship!