Goin’ Somewhere

Purchase the SINGLE here.

“I don’t have a map on my dashboard.”


The first line of this song, co-written with Kaci Bolls, is how I do life.  Having no map on the dashboard of my life has been both fun and scary at times.  I’ve made wrong turns, stalled at dead ends, and I’ve made plenty of U-turns to reorient toward truth north again.  Somehow, even in the unfun experiences and through uncertain seasons, I’ve come out the other side of the unknown stronger and more sure of who I am, and whose I am.  I’m a daughter of the King of Kings, and instead of a map I have His Word.   That’s the best kind of GPS – “God’s Positioning System” (from author sQuire Rushnell, When God Winks)!


I don’t have a map on my dashboard

My only compass is my faith,

And I’ve got the pedal to the floor

One hand on the wheel of fate,

And the other out the window in the air -

I’m goin’ somewhere.

Sometimes up ahead, it’s blue and clear.

Sometimes down will come the rain,

And it makes it kinda hard to steer.

I just ride the road that paves my way

And wait for signs, showing me where to go -


I don’t know my destination

I just go without reservation

There aint no use in making plans

‘cause life gets in the way,

Just keep on keepin’ on goin’ …

I’ll know it when I get there -

I’m goin’ somewhere.


Click here to purchase the single:


Pink Ribbon


Beautiful Sky