Beautiful Sky

Purchase the SINGLE here.

“There is a hand unseen, painting this majesty.”

As I was writing the "Looking for the Hand of God" blog, I felt that little tap on the shoulder from the Holy Spirit that I often feel. It was just a little reminder, a whisper to my inner being, that I heard as this: 

You have a song you wrote years ago about My hand painting a beautiful sky…. 

I dug "Beautiful Sky" out of the vault of songs I've created over the years and as I listened, I was overwhelmed…once again…by the evidence of God's hand of orchestration in my life. I hope you enjoy this song, written with Tia McGraff and Tommy Parham, that was inspired by a beautiful sky and The One who created it. 

Under an umbrella's shade, 

Watching cardboard people rushing their way through the day, 

They all look the same… 

One dimensional, Too intentional, I think it's a shame...[that]

Under this Beautiful Sky, 

We pass each other by, 

Missing the magic of the grander scheme… 

There is a hand unseen, 

Painting this majesty, 

And I am alive, under this Beautiful Sky

Canvas of pearl speaks to me, 

Weaving me colors that give me a reason to dream, 

I feel my soul reach… 

Out of the usual, anything’s possible, if you can see what I see

Under this Beautiful Sky, 

We pass each other by, 

Missing the magic of the grander scheme… 

There is a hand unseen, 

Painting this majesty, 

And I am alive, under this Beautiful Sky


Click here to purchase the single:


Goin’ Somewhere


These Days: A Tribute to My Husband