Storms and Rainbows

God and My Girlfriends #GAMGstory share submitted by:  Amanda Blankenship

There’s something so special about girlfriends.  Ladies that you can count on. They’ve got your back. They’ll pray for you. Encourage you. Call you out, when you’ve lost your way.  For me as a Believer in Christ, it’s a sisterhood rooted in Him who shares the same Daddy: our Abba Father.

There are so many times in life when girlfriends have been a source of strength for me.  The past several years have been ones of many transitions. I’ve been on a journey where God has narrowed my focus, having me concentrate only on who He has called me to be and who I am to serve. It has been difficult letting go of who I “thought” I was…and there have been many times of doubt and discouragement. But it has been so life-giving to have girlfriends who would pray and speak into my situations and circumstances…reminding me I wasn’t alone in the fight…interceding on my behalf so I knew that everytime I walked onto the battlefield, I had an army of warriors behind me.

God has blessed me with so many wonderful girlfriends, and Megan Parker has been one of them.  When I went through an emotional breakdown about 4 years ago, Megan was there to walk through it with me.  She encouraged me with reminders that there was more to life than the awful stuff I was processing through – like how much we both love storms and rainbows, and singing silly songs.  And laughing over our “Remember whens:”

“Remember the time you lost your flip-flop down the drain?”

“Remember when we did a fundraiser singing into hair brushes to raise money to record our first song?”

I’m so thankful for Megan, and for all of the girlfriends God has blessed me with through seasons of life!


Forever part of My Story


What would I do without them?