In a songwriting appointment between Patricia Conroy, Marcia Ramirez and me, Marcia apologizes for arriving late. She has been at Bible study, commenting about the importance of God and friends in her life. This just happens to align with a song title idea Patricia has brought with her: "God and My Girlfriends." We all agree instantly…THAT'S our song destined to be written today! A creative synergy happens between our three hearts about two of our major life influences: God and our girlfriends.

The incomparable Reba McEntire hears our song and puts it "on hold" (which means she will possibly record it for her next album). YAY! We all agree that "God and My Girlfriends" is a perfect fit for Miss Reba!


The song is recorded first in 2011 by independent artist Mandy Thomas Sumerall, and later in 2016 by Canadian artist Beverley Mahood. My co-writers and I are happy that the message of this song resonates in hearts and is being carried by others' voices. (Marcia will also later record a version, and I will record and release a single of the song in the year 2020).

After a five-year hiatus from singing and writing, I attend a BRAVE WORSHIP gathering. It's a wonderful night of praise, worship and connecting with writers, singers and worship leaders. It’s also a culminating moment of immense gratitude to God for the deepening relationship I’ve been experiencing with Him. I have a surprising feeling on this night...could my long-dormant songwriting dream possibly be coming back to life?

The very next day after the BRAVE WORSHIP experience, out of the blue I get a surprise phone call that "God and My Girlfriends" is suddenly back "on hold" for Reba. Our eight-year-old song is about to have new life!

The new Reba hold is becoming more real for my co-writers and me — we have a surprise moment of "I Spy" today! In a Facebook post by Reba, we notice a "hidden-cyber-nod" to our song title. We are giddy! Giggling!

A vintage white bench is spotted by a photographer browsing in a Franklin, TN furniture store. The photographer asks the store owner, who happens to be my husband, "Could I rent this bench for a photo shoot?" This moment will later lead to a "divine coincidence" that only God Himself could have orchestrated!

I tell the story of this song and perform it in a show with some of my other original music at the Storytellers Museum in Bon Aqua, Tennessee — a place with Johnny Cash’s legendary history within its walls. This is my first time performing since losing my singing voice over 5 years ago.

A Reba interview is aired on "ET" ("Entertainment Tonight"). She shares how God and her girlfriends had been instrumental in getting through a difficult time in her life. Wow! This time we got a televised nod to the song title! I feel like God is giving me a scrapbook of souvenirs surrounding this song!

As we eagerly anticipate and wonder when the album with our song on it will be released, my co-writers and I have another "I Spy" surprise. There's the song title again, in today's Reba's Instagram post! Early Christmas present!

Reba posts a #GodAndMyGirlfriends photo (she hashtagged our song!) of her and her mama, (her "#1 girlfriend") in celebration of the iTunes release of her recording of our song.

"I Spy" the vintage white bench from our store... in a photo on the cover of the Sunday edition of Nashville's Tennessean newspaper! The newspaper headline reads: The Sound of Faith. That headline encompasses the reason we wrote "God and My Girlfriends."

Reba tweets a video introduction of why the time was finally right for her to record "God and My Girlfriends."

I happen to come across a magazine my husband and I were featured in, ten years ago, in the fall of 2007. Nashville Lifestyles published a feature about our family and home. Look who's on the cover of that very issue of the magazine we were featured in! Once again, another divinely orchestrated Reba connection! #GOD

The official album date release! Woop, woop!

I'm holding the in-store physical album CD in my hand, which has a leaflet-style cover inside its case. "I Spy" that white bench from our store again! I've now counted three "divine coincidences" surrounding this white bench and our song. First, the photographer just 'happened' to find a bench for the photo shoot at our family-owned store on a day when my husband was working the store counter. Second, I see the bench on the cover of The Tennessean newspaper. Third, I'm now seeing it inside the album's physical CD cover—tucked in its pages like a hidden treasure! I can't help but feel, once again, that God is giving me a Scrapbook of souvenirs. He is showing me His divine orchestration of Reba's photo shoot for this album to include a bench from our store!

Reba performs "God and My Girlfriends" at Nashville Rescue Mission's "Hearts of Hope" Luncheon. I am TRULY inspired hearing these womens' stories of rising above destitution, homelessness and hopelessness at this special event I'm attending at the invitation of a friend. And, once again, there is another unexpected surprise! Hearing Reba introduce our song, and then call my name to stand up from the audience as one of the song's writers, is totally unexpected as I have never even met Reba before! I also have no idea that someone is filming this delightful moment with their cell phone and will share it with me later. (I now refer to what's captured in this cell phone video as my "Price is Right contestant moment!" And I have to say, it's the best souvenir yet!)

BIG NEWS! “I Spy” the album on TWO Billboard charts: country and Christian! It’s a Happy Valentines Day double-souvenir surprise!

You can't see us in this photo, but Marcia and I are out there in the audience, with BIG SMILES on our faces at Reba's Ryman Auditorium show. We get to hear her sing our song in this legendary and historical place where the Grand Ole Opry was born! Super stoked! (Photo courtesy of Jeff King).

"I Spy" Reba's mention of "God and My Girlfriends" in the March issue of GUIDEPOSTS... my sister shared it with me because she found it in her mailbox! (That would be 'cuz she happens to have a subscription to the magazine) ;-)

I share my story about "God and My Girlfriends" in an interview airing on "Nashville Alive," a local cable television show.

Reba's album wins a DOVE Award! "Best Bluegrass/Country Roots Album" of the Year! What an amazing blessing to have a song on a DOVE awarded album in the Christian Music Industry!

Reba's album wins a GRAMMY Award! "Best Gospel Album" of the Year! Wow - God has started off this new year with a BIG souvenir BANG!

Reba is featured on the JESUS CALLING Video Stories podcast. Not only does she talk about “God and My Girlfriends”, but there are several surprise confirmations in her interview that God has been directing my steps all along! I share these confirmations in my I Twinkle blog.

I’m in the studio reading WOMAN’S WORLD Magazine! In this article Reba talks about our song and what it means to her.

At the invitation of Rustic Songbird Podcast creator Lydia Walker, I’m invited to share my personal story behind the song. Episode #8, titled “Seeking God’s Kingdom Over Fame,” includes my journey of walking away from songwriting, the Lord’s leading me back to it through the resurrection of “God and My Girlfriends”, and encouragement to others who are questioning a dream they have been chasing.

I never thought I would be in the studio recording my own version of “God and My Girlfriends", especially when I thought my singing voice was gone for good. But God is a resurrecting God! He literally resurrected our “God and My Girlfriends” song with Queen Reba’s one-of-a-kind voice, and it’s fun to put my own spin and a different kind of flavor on the song. :-)
Psalm 40:3 - He has given me a new song to sing, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see what He has done and be amazed. They will put their trust in the LORD.

In the Brave Worship Podcast Episode #76, I share with Krissy Nordhoff how God is continuing to tell a story through the “God and My Girlfriends” song. New things are coming to life!

Today is the BRAND NEW RELEASE of the “God and My Girlfriends” song and music video! I’m excited to share this new version with a fresh twist and summertime mood. Click here to listen, stream or see the video!