The Accidental Entrepreneur

In my blog post “God is My CEO”, I share about how God has given me a heavenly perspective and approach to business building. Though I never set out to be an entrepreneur, I suddenly woke up one day as an owner of more than one business.

Can a person really just wake up one day owning several businesses? Is there such a thing as an “accidental entrepreneur?” Based on my experience, the answer to both questions is, in a word, ‘yes.’

Having no premeditated goal to be an entrepreneur, in hindsight I have to say it happened to me, rather than because of me. Goal setting has never been my strong suit, but there is one thing I’ve always been intentional about: following my heart.

Simply being open and willing to explore and embrace other realms of creativity beyond my songwriting passion, while prayerfully inviting God into the process, my adventures into the entrepreneurial world would eventually include a publishing company to house my songs and albums (Twinkle Town Music Publishing), a successful essential oils business, and a furniture and home decor store (2014 – 2017).

The adventures haven’t stopped. This website exists because of God-given ideas downloaded into an ordinary girl’s heart. Though I never imagined I was capable of reaching any of the entrepreneurial shores I’ve landed on, my heart has been willing to go wherever "there" is God has in mind. When I’m willing, He makes me able.


God is My CEO


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