Looking for the Hand of God
I captured this amazing photo, taken in Portugal, from The Weather Channel website in January 2016. I wanted to keep it as a visual reminder of my heavenly Father's hand in my life. If the God who created the heavens and the earth can sculpt the wind, clouds, sun and atmosphere into such a remarkable "sky painting" as this one, I can be assured He can make my life into something beautiful, too. I am His creation, along with the cosmos.
So no matter how ordinary, disorganized, flawed or broken I consider the elements of myself to be, when submitted into the hands of The Potter, I know I will be molded into a vessel of loveliness.
A dear friend reminded me that when Jesus gave his Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5, He said (v.8), "Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God." I continue to be a work-in-progress in my faith walk, and I feel so far from being “pure in heart.” Nevertheless, I make it a habit to look for God in everything. Even though I don’t know what is coming next in life, I know I will see God in it!
It brings to mind this song.