Chasing Destiny

Chasing Destiny:  A Faith Forward Blog by Lisa Hentrich

When I stopped chasing dreams and started chasing Jesus, He led me into chasing destiny.

Looking back at who I used to be, I see a person facing her fears to chase her dreams.

Looking in the mirror now, I see a person facing toward Jesus and chasing destiny.

In the perspective of my faith-forward present, and looking faith-forward into the future, I see myself joyfully running after my Savior, surrounded by the landscape of my destiny in full bloom around me.  It’s already happening now, like an oasis in the desert, fed by the spring of His Living Water (John 4:10).*

As I chase the One who made me, the One who saved me, He is bringing the destiny He placed within me to life in full color like a paint-by-number painting.  Every number is a scripture, written in His book of guidance for my life.  As I choose to follow His Word and His Way, the paths between His numbers become His heavenly brush stroke.  My life is becoming His work of art, His MASTERpiece. (Ephesians 2:10).*

Sometimes, fear pops out from behind a tree or slithers from under a rock.   When I keep my face turned toward Jesus, the fear disappears.  I’ve learned that The Way, The Truth and the Life is the architect and designer of my destiny… and that when I don’t turn my face toward the fear, facing fear is no longer necessary.  Facing Jesus is facing perfect love, and perfect love casts out fear (1 John 4:18).*

If you’re asking… “Where do I begin chasing destiny?”  Start where you are, no matter where you’ve been.  Even if it seems too far away to reach, it is there in His outstretched hands.  Draw near to the One who has already drawn the blueprint of your destiny, before you were born.  (Jeremiah 1:5)*.  Look to The Lighthouse, and He will lead you to your destiny’s shore. (John 8:12).*

If you’re wondering, “What if I fail in chasing destiny?”  In Him there is only victory (1 Cor. 15:57)*, so what you (in the flesh) consider a “fail” is only failing forward. The destiny God placed within you is not a dare, it is a divine discovery that is “found” when you seek first His Kingdom and righteousness (Matthew 6:33).* Its rewards far surpass the risks. Chasing destiny is by Him, in Him and through Him…when you seek Him with your whole heart (Jeremiah 29:13).*

If you’re saying, “What if I’m too old to chase my destiny?” You are never too old; it is never too late.   When you surrender your story for His glory, His Kingdom will come and His will shall be done, by the One who created time.  And He restores the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25).*

Are you ready to stop chasing dreams and start chasing the destiny you were created for?  Lay your dreams down at His altar, and say this prayer aloud: “Jesus, come into my life and Alter Me.  Set my heart compass to Your way, all the way!”  Then, start reading His Word every day -- which is His will for your life -- and His Word will bring life to your destiny!  Start praying, “Lord Jesus, Be Thou My Vision and order my steps.”  The One who is the author and the finisher (Hebrews 12:2) of your story, the One who is the designer of your destiny, will open your eyes to Kingdom vision and guide you in walking out the steps.  

Let the adventure begin!  I can’t wait to see your paint-by-number MASTERpiece coming to life!


Video Story - How chasing destiny led me to Scotland

*John 4:10 (Jesus is the Living Water)


*Ephesians 2:10 (We are God’s Handiwork)


*1 John 4:18 (Perfect love casts out fear)


*Jeremiah 1:5 (He knew us before He formed us in the womb)


*John 8:12 (Jesus is the Light of the World)


*1 Cor. 15:57 (In Christ we have victory)


*Matthew 6:33 (All these are added when we seek His Kingdom and righteousness first)


*Jeremiah 29:13 (We find Him when we seek Him with our whole heart)


*Joel 2:25 (God restores the lost or wasted years)


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